2019.05.17(pm): Design principles for highly efficient quadrupeds and implementation on the MIT Cheetah robot

link : 10.1109/ICRA.2013.6631038 authors : Sangok Seok ; Albert Wang ; Meng Yee Chuah ; David Otten ; Jeffrey Lang ; Sangbae Kim abstract:In this paper, we introduce the design principles for highly efficient legged robots and the implementation of the principles on the MIT Cheetah robot. Three major energy loss modes during locomotion are heat losses through the actuators, losses through the transmission, and …

2019.05.07(am): Adaptive Dynamic Walking of a Quadruped Robot on Irregular Terrain Based on Biological Concepts

link: https://doi.org/10.1177/0278364903022003004 authors: Yasuhiro Fukuoka, Hiroshi Kimura, Avis H. Cohen abstract:We have been trying to induce a quadruped robot to walk with medium walking speed on irregular terrain based on biological concepts. We propose the necessary conditions for stable dynamic walking on irregular terrain in general, and we design the mechanical system and the neural system by …


link: https://doi.org/10.17559/TV-20161012132431 Authors:Marek Sukop, Mikuláš Hajduk, Ján Semjon, Jozef Varga, Rudolf Jánoš, Marek Vagaš, Martin Bezák, Ivan Virgala Contents:This article aims at setting appropriate parameters for robotic spraying of adhesives used in industry. The robot ABB IRB 1600 was used in a non-explosive environment. The adhesive was dispensed from pressure sweat and applied by a …

2019.04.06(pm): Design and locomotion analysis of a novel modular rolling robot

link: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mechmachtheory.2018.11.004 authors:Xiangzhi Wei, Yaobin Tian b, Shanshan Wen abstract:This paper proposes a novel morphological modular robot that is capable of switching mul- tiple directions and rolling locomotion. The mechanism of the robot resembles a spherical grid and it composes of 6 node modules and 12 planar RRR chain modules. The mobility of the mechanism …

2019.03.24(pm): Tensegrity Full Body Control, An Inequality Constrained Optimization Approach

link: http://repository.tudelft.nl/ author: Kjartan Gudmundsson abstract:Tensegrity is a structural form that is defined as a set of rigid elements suspended in a net of continuous tension. This structure shows potential for compliance, impact tolerance andmechanical robustness. However, its non-linear coupled dynamics and often complex geometry require advanced control strategies. An actuator reference planning strategy to …

2019.03.10(pm): Rational design of reconfigurable prismatic architected materials

link: doi:10.1038/nature20824 authors:Johannes T. B. Overvelde, James C. Weaver, Chuck Hoberman & Katia Bertoldi contents:Advances in fabrication technologies are enabling the production of architected materials with unprecedented properties. Most such materials are characterized by a fixed geometry, but in the design of some materials it is possible to incorporate internal mechanisms capable of reconfiguring their …

2019.03.04(pm): Optimal UAV Path Planning: Sensing Data Acquisition Over IoT Sensor Networks Using Multi-Objective Bio-Inspired Algorithms

authors:QIN YANG AND SANG-JO YOO (Member, IEEE) Abstract:The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) has been considered to be an efcient platform for monitoring critical infrastructures spanning over geographical areas. UAVs have also demonstrated exceptional feasibility when collecting data due to the wide wireless sensor networks in which they operate. Based on environmental information such …


link: https://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctt1tp3c5w.36 authors: Fabio Gramazio, Matthias Kohler and Silke Langenberg contents:Aerial robotic construction offers a new approach to architecture. The research presented here investigates the design potential and material relationship between architecture and construction using flying machines. Analogies are drawn to existing methods of digital fabrication. The work identifies scalability, spatial autonomy and cooperativeness as …

2019.02.28(pm): Cyber Physical Macro Material as a UAV [re]Configurable Architectural System

authors:Dylan Wood(&), Maria Yablonina, Miguel Aflalo, Jingcheng Chen, Behrooz Tahanzadeh, and Achim Menges abstract:The research presented in this paper describes a new strategy for deploying a cyber-physical macro material combined with aerial construction robots as a reconfigurable architecture. The resulting architectural system is capable of autonomous rearrangement and stagnant operation driven by behavioral design patterns …

2019.02.22(pm): Towards Automatic Path Planning for Robotically Assembled Spatial Structures

link: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-92294-2_5 Authors: Gandia, AugustoParascho, StefanaRust, RomanaCasas, GonzaloGramazio, FabioKohler, Matthias The project, known as Spatial Timber Assemblies, uses computers to model the optimum design for individual units, which are then built by a series of robots. Dezeen recently featured the digital fabrication technique in a one-minute video. The first robot takes the timber beams and saws them …