2020.03.08(am): K-means Clustering

Unsupervised learning There are two types of machine learning algorithms: supervised learning and unsupervised learning. Unsupervised learning refers to all kinds of machine learning that must teach a learning algorithm without any known output or information. The most difficult thing in unsupervised learning is to evaluate whether the algorithm has learned something useful. Unsupervised learning …

2020.01.18(pm): Feature Selection and Dimension reduction

Feature Engineering Feature engineering is the process of using domain knowledge of the data to create features that make machine learning algorithms work. Feature engineering is fundamental to the application of machine learning, and is both difficult and expensive. The need for manual feature engineering can be obviated by automated feature learning(from : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feature_engineering ) …

2020.01.01.(pm): Statistical analysis using pandas

1. pandas features pandas has the following characteristics: Easy handling of missing values Create data with automatic and explicit label position Data-intensive Advanced label-based slicing, extraction, and subset of large datasets Intuitive Dataset Combination Flexible transformation and transformation of datasets Descriptive labeling of axes Powerful I / O corresponding to various data formats Inherent Processing …

2019.12.16(pm): How to Change Jupyter notebook Initial Path Settings

When using the Jupyter notebook, the initial path is often C: \ Users \ USERNAME. In this case, It is difficult to manage python code, and C drives become a mess. So users run Jupyter notebook, go to Desktop, create a new folder and work on it. Because doing this repetitive task every time is …